Engage conservative thought online
If you’ve ever felt frustrated with the narrow range of discussion in your classroom, then you need to round out your education with conservative intellectual thought!
You’ll find a treasure trove of conservative wisdom in the form of essays, lectures, videos, and more.
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Capstone Programs
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Engage Conservative Thought on Campus
If you’ve ever felt frustrated by the narrow range of discussion on campus, or uncomfortable saying what you think in the classroom, then you need to know something:
You’re not alone.
Whether you want to start a campus group of your own or join an existing one, launch or write for a campus publication, or host an event, we’re here to help.
Campus Opportunities
Don't waste four years
Join the community today to get the most out of your ISI experience.
Benefits include:
- Access to a community of like-minded students and professors
- Invitations to attend ISI conferences and other events around the country
- Exclusive access to monthly members-only webinars and conversations
- Your choice of a free ebook from one of eleven top recommended titles
- A weekly handpicked collection of the best of conservative thought from around the web, delivered to your inbox
- Members-only swag
- Scholarship, fellowship, and internship opportunities
- Leadership opportunities with ISI campus chapters and student newspapers
. . . and much more.